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The following stages are involved in creating good visualisations in Power BI:

  1. Data Preparation:

Import your data into Power BI and make sure it’s appropriately cleaned and formatted for analysis.

  • Select the Best Visual:

Choose a visual that best depicts the type of data you want to show. Power BI includes a variety of graphics such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, maps, and more.

  • Add field

Drag and drag the required fields from your data into the visual’s fields section to add them. This determines what information the graphic will display.

  • Apply Filters:

Filters may be used to focus on certain features of your data. Filters for time, categories, or any other relevant parameter can be added.

  • Customise graphic:

 Appearance: Change the appearance of the graphic to make it more effective. Colours, typefaces, labels, and other formatting choices are all available. Make sure the image is easy to read and pleasing to the eye.

  • Interactivity: Make interactive reports by connecting graphics. Clicking on a bar in a bar chart, for example, can filter other visualisations on the same report page.
  • Drill Down and Group: Use grouping and drill-down options to display data at various degrees of detail. For example, you might begin with an overview and then allow users to drill down for more information.
  • Add Slicers:

Slicers are interactive filters that allow users to filter data by selecting certain values. They’re especially beneficial for dashboards that include several displays.

  • Set Aggregations:

 Specify how your data will be aggregated. You can, for example, present data as sums, averages, counts, or percentages.

  1. Create Measures:

Create new measures to calculate additional data that may not be contained in the original dataset. Measures, like ordinary fields, may be utilised in graphics.

  1. Use Tooltips:

 When users hover over a data point, tooltips provide more information. They can assist in explaining difficult facts or providing context.

  1. Publish and Share: Once your visualisations are complete, you can publish your report to the Power BI Service and distribute it to your target audience. You have control over the access and sharing options.
  2.  Refresh Data:

Schedule data refreshes if your data source is often changed. This guarantees that your reports are always up to date.

  1. User input:

Collect input from your target audience and iteratively enhance your visualisations as needed.

  1. Accessibility:

 Make certain that your visualisations are usable by all users, including those with impairments. Use alt text for pictures and follow accessibility best practises.

  1. Performance Optimisation:

 Keep an eye on your reports’ performance and take actions to improve it, such as limiting the number of graphics on a page or using Direct Query mode for huge datasets.

Remember that clarity, relevance, and interaction are the keys to good data visualisation. Visualisations should assist consumers in swiftly comprehending facts and making educated decisions. Consider your target audience and personalise your visualisations to their requirements and tastes.