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Pie charts and donut charts are both used in Power BI to visualise data as part-to-whole connections, with each data category representing a fraction of the total. However, there are several significant distinctions between these two sorts of charts:

  1. Central Hole

The most evident distinction is the existence of a centre hole in a donut chart vs a solid centre in a pie chart. A donut chart’s centre hole allows you to add more information or labels, making it more adaptable to many settings.

  • Aesthetics:

              Donut charts are frequently regarded more aesthetically pleasing than pie charts due to the     centre hole, which may make the chart seem cleaner and less cluttered.

  • Label Positioning:

 Labels for data categories in a pie chart are commonly positioned outside the chart, near the relevant slice, in Power BI. Donut charts, on the other hand, frequently have labels put inside the centre hole, which can be more space-efficient and less prone to overlap.

  • Data Representation:

Donut charts are more suited for displaying many data series side by side since each ring in the donut chart can represent a separate series. Pie charts are commonly used to demonstrate the composition of a single data series.

  • Data Comparison:

 A pie chart may be ideal for comparing the sizes of data categories because it offers a clear perspective of the angles and proportions of each slice. Donut charts, on the other hand, may make comparing the sizes of slices more difficult due to the existence of the centre hole.

  • Customization:

Colours, legends, and tooltips may all be changed in both pie and donut charts in Power BI. Donut charts, on the other hand, provide more versatility in terms of inserting more information in the centre hole.

In conclusion, the decision between a pie chart and a donut chart in Power BI is determined by your individual data visualisation requirements. A donut chart may be better ideal if you want a cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing chart with the flexibility of adding more information in the centre. A pie chart, on the other hand, is a popular choice for a simple representation of the proportions of a single data series.